Bankruptcy and Insolvency Procedure Law

ADR provides assistance to distressed Companies by giving advice on the resolution of debt positions in order to find a way out of a critical situation once and for all. Assistance is rendered by our specialist lawyers in the field of bankruptcy law, and on the occasion of any agreements, insolvency procedures and debt restructuring plans.

Here are the main activities carried out by ADR for its Clients in the area of Bankruptcy and Insolvency Procedure Law:

  • ADR’s expert lawyers are able to examine any debt positions towards Banks and other Banking Institutions, with a view to working out the most effective solutions for the management of any specific situations, in or out of court.

  • ADR deals with all the aspects of bankruptcy law and it has gained extensive experience in providing legal advice and assistance to distressed companies with a view to avoiding bankruptcy.

  • Our lawyers help Clients undertake debt restructuring both by adopting solutions that involve corporate reorganization and by having recourse to alternative insolvency procedures aimed at preserving the company and jobs, such as compositions with creditors in order to avoid bankruptcy and extraordinary administration.

  • ADR offers personal protection to company’s members and directors in relation to legal proceedings for breach of the directors’ duties and to revocation actions.


ADR organizes training sessions to enable the Company’s managerial staff and employees to manage the above mentioned activities on their own and in the best possible way.

An agreement with ADR on a flat rate basis includes assistance by one or several advisors qualified for the legal practice in dealing with litigation matters.